CISC2000: How to submit your project

1. Submit a file and verify the submission

The following submission method only works from storm server. Write me ( if you encounter any problem, including in your email the error message you received.

To submit a file named “file.cpp” using command:

	submit2000 file.cpp

You can then run command

	verify2000 file.cpp

To retrieve the file and verify that if the file has been submitted successfully.

In the following example, I have edited a file named “poem” with the following content:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet;
And so are you.

I then submit the file and verify the submission:

[zhang@storm ~]$ submit2000 poem
Open file poem to read ...
Make a copy of the file at instructor's directory...
RESULT: Finish submitting files! Use command verify2000  to verify.
[zhang@storm ~]$ verify2000 poem
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet;
And so are you.