using namespace std;

// Global variable declared as pi
const float pi=3.14;

// Precondition: single positive real input called radius
// Postcondition: returns area of a circle with specified
// radius
float area(float radius);

// Precondition: two positive real inputs for the larger
// and smaller radius
// Postcondition: returns area of ellipse with specified
// two radii
float area(float radius1, float radius2);

int main()
 float radiusC, radiusE1,radiusE2;

 // Get circle radius and compute area
 cout << "Input radius of circle: ";
 cin >> radiusC;

 cout << "Area of circle: " << area(radiusC)
      << endl;

 // Get ellipse radii and compute area
 cout << "Input two radii of ellipse: ";
 cin >> radiusE1 >> radiusE2;

 cout << "Are of ellipse: " << area(radiusE1,radiusE2)
      << endl;

 return 0;

// Compute circle area
float area(float radius)
 return pi*radius*radius;

// Compute ellipse area
float area(float radius1, float radius2)
 return pi*radius1*radius2;