using namespace std;

// Pre-conditions: First input is an integer, other three inputs
//                 are variables that can contain integers (and
//                 they are called by reference)
// Post-conditions: The last three input variables will hold the
//                 first three multiples of the first input
void multiples(int initialNum,int& numX2,int& numX3,int& numX4);

int main()
 int inputNum, numTimes2, numTimes3, numTimes4;

 // Get integer from user
 cout << "Input an integer: ";
 cin >> inputNum;

 // Compute multiples
 multiples(inputNum, numTimes2,numTimes3,numTimes4);

 // Report multiples
 cout << "The first three multiples of " << inputNum
      << " are " << numTimes2 << " " << numTimes3
      << " " << numTimes4 << endl;

 return 0;

// Compute first three multiples of first input variable
void multiples(int initialNum,int& numX2,int& numX3,int& numX4)