using namespace std;

int main()
  // Initialize month, temperature, and season variables
  int month;       // number for month
  float inputTemperature, tooCold, tooHot;
  string season;   // name of season

  // Identify hot and cold temperatures for different seasons
  const float coldSummer = 75, hotSummer = 105;
  const float coldFall = 50, hotFall = 80;
  const float coldWinter = 15, hotWinter = 60;
  const float coldSpring = 50, hotSpring = 80;

  // Initialize variable about whether to compare
  // user-input temperature to standard temperatures
  // for the season --- if the specified month is
  // invalid ( month < 1 or month > 12),
  // compareTemperature will be false
  bool compareTemperature = true;

  // Get month from user
  cout << "Enter month (1 for January, 2 for February, etc): ";
  cin >> month;

  // Get temperature from user
  cout << "Enter temperature: ";
  cin >> inputTemperature;

  // Set cold and hot limits based on season
  switch ( month ) {
     case 1 :  // For winter months
     case 2 :
     case 3 :
        tooCold = coldWinter; tooHot = hotWinter;
        season = "winter";
     case 4 :  // For spring months
     case 5 :
     case 6 :
        tooCold = coldSpring; tooHot = hotSpring;
        season = "spring";
     case 7 :  // For summer months
     case 8 :
     case 9 :
        tooCold = coldSummer; tooHot = hotSummer;
        season = "summer";
     case 10 :  // For fall months
     case 11 :
     case 12 :
        tooCold = coldFall; tooHot = hotFall;
        season = "fall";
     default :  // Say if number is not a proper month
                // (optional!)
        cout << "Invalid number for a month\n";
        compareTemperature = false;

  // If entered month is valid and temperature is too
  // hot or cold for the season, output a statement
  // saying so
  if ( compareTemperature) { // curly braces not technically needed
     if ( inputTemperature < tooCold )
        cout << "It is too cold for " << season << "!\n";
     else if (inputTemperature > tooHot )
        cout << "It is too hot for " << season << "!\n";

  return 0;