using namespace std;

class Dog
 void Bark();
 void Eat(float foodQuantity);
 // You will have to define Walk in class
 // it will cause the dog to change its
 // location
 float size, weight, location;

 // Add new isHungry variable
 bool isHungry;

 // Add new walk function
 void walk(float distance);


int main()
 Dog fido;
 cout << fido.weight << " "
      << fido.size  << endl;

 // Declare dog rex and give him food to eat
 Dog rex;
 cout << rex.weight << " " << rex.size << endl;

 // Made fido not-hungry

 // Have fido bark

 // Have fido take a walk, then bark,
 // then eat, then bark
 cout << fido.location << endl;

 return 0;

// Modified Bark so more woofs if dog is hungry
void Dog::Bark()
   cout << "Woof woof woof!\n";
   cout << "Woof woof!\n";

// Define new walk function
void Dog::walk(float distance)
 location += distance;  // Update location based on distance

 if(distance>=10)      // If dog walks >= 10, make him hungry

// Modify eat to make dog not hungry if it eats >= 10
void Dog::Eat(float foodQuantity)
