#include #include using namespace std; void chorus1(); //The function declaration announces the name of the function. void chorus2(); int main() { cout << "Istanbul was Constantinople\n" << "Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople\n" << "Been a long time gone, Constantinople\n" << "Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night\n" << "Every gal in Constantinople\n" << "Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople\n" << "So if you've a date in Constantinople\n" << "She'll be waiting in Istanbul\n\n"; chorus1(); chorus2(); //bridge cout << "Istanbul (Istanbul)\n" "Istanbul (Istanbul)\n\n"; chorus1(); cout << "Istanbul was Constantinople\n" << "Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople\n" << "Been a long time gone, oh Constantinople\n" << "Why did Constantinople get the works?\n" << "That's nobody's business but the Turks\n\n"; //bridge chorus2(); cout << "Istanbul!.\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void chorus1() //The function definition creates the function. { cout << "Even old New York was once New Amsterdam\n" << "Why they changed it I can't say\n" << "People just liked it better that way\n\n"; } void chorus2() { cout << "So, take me back to Constantinople\n" << "No, you can't go back to Constantinople\n" << "Been a long time gone, Constantinople\n" << "Why did Constantinople get the works?\n" << "That's nobody's business but the Turks\n\n"; }