#include #include using namespace std; int main() { double degrees {0}; int userResponse {0}; cout << "If you would like to go from Fahrenheit to Celsius type 1. If you would like to go from Celsius to Fahrenheit type 2.\n"; cin >> userResponse; if (userResponse == 1) { cout << "Enter how many degrees Fahrenheit you want to convert to Celsius\n"; cin >> degrees; double final {(degrees - 32) * 5/9}; cout << "That is equal to " << final << " degrees Celsius.\n"; } else if (userResponse == 2) { cout << "Enter how many degrees Celsius you want to convert to Fahrenheit\n"; cin >> degrees; double final {degrees * 9/5 + 32}; cout << "That is equal to " << final << " degrees Fahrenheit.\n"; } else { cerr << "You did not enter a 1 or a 2. Run the program again.\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }