Lab 2
Due April 25, 2014, 11:59pm

For your second lab assignment, you are to work with Alice. You can work on Alice in the lab or download it for use at home (here are the specific download links for PC and for Mac users). Use Alice 2.3.5, NOT Alice 3.0. If Alice 2.3.5 does not load properly for Mac, you can use Alice 2.4.

For the Alice assignment, place four (or more) characters in your scene. For example, they can be a rabbit, a ballerina, a bird, and Alice Liddell.

One character — let's say the rabbit — should be movable by the user. For example, you can create an event to control the character with keyboard arrows. If you cannot figure out how to move the character using input from the user, have the character move around the world by itself using move methods in first method.

Every other character should perform a special action when the rabbit gets close by (you can decide how close) and if one other condition is true. For example, the ballerina can double in size if the rabbit comes nearby and the rabbit is taller than the ballerina. If the rabbit is nearby but it is smaller than the ballerina, the ballerina will do nothing. You can create an event that performs a method when the two conditions (proximity and size comparison) are true.
Acts should include at least two of the following:

Your animation will be graded based on:

Extra credit (10% extra): have the characters act out a story, incorporating all the elements above, including interaction between the side characters (for example, the ballerina and Alice in the example program I describe above).

To hand in this assignment, e-mail me the Alice animation file. The animation file will have a name ???.a2w (you pick the name instead of ???). You save your work into a file by using "Save World" in the file menu. My e-mail is: