CISC 1100: Structures of Computer Science


August 30, 2013 1:55pm Remember Wednesday, September 4 is a Monday schedule. We will meet next week on Wednesday and Thursday. Prof. Christine Papadakis-Kanaris will be leading class on Wednesday and Thursday, as I will be away.

September 2, 2013 2:55pm Due to several Jewish holidays, I will be off campus and unavailable by e-mail for three 3-day periods during the month of September. While I am out, lectures will continue as normal with another instructor presenting our course material, taking attendance, and collecting/returning homework if needed (no homework has been assigned for the week of September 2). Actually, during the final 3-day period, I am rescheduling class to a later date — see announcement below. The periods I am both off campus and offline are: I will reply to any e-mails sent when I am offline after I get back online.

September 13, 2013 12:00am On Monday, September 16 class will meet in the computer lab in JMH 330. Handout on writing a web page available here.

September 17, 2013 12:10pm Exam 1 will be held on Thursday, October 10, covering sets and sequences.

September 24, 2013 12:50am Class on Thursday, September 26 is cancelled! Instead, we will meet Tuesday, October 1 at 6–7pm in the computer lab in JMH 330. E-mail me if you cannot make it, so I can schedule a session who cannot come on Tuesday. Additional handout for writing web forms and tables available here.

October 3, 2013 2:20pmBelow are exam 1 practice questions! Questions are randomly color-coded. I recommend trying to answer one set of colored questions first (for example, red questions), review the answers to those questions, and then move on to another\ set of colored questions (for example, green).
Added October 6, 2013 1:30am One or two errors were discovered in each of the three colored answer keys. The corrected answer keys are now included below, with the previously listed error shown crossed out. I apologize for the errors! October 7, 2013 (announced in class October 3): On Monday, October 7 (today!) class will meet in the computer lab in MJH 330. Handouts for today: Forms/tables, Using lab/other computers

October 16, 2013 12:40pm Exam 1 answers now available here.
Grade breakdown (max possible score 82)
74-above: "A range," 7 students
63-74: "B range," 12 students
52-63: "C range," 6 students
41-52: "D range," 0 students