Information on Exam 1

The exam will take the full class period and will be closed-book. You should not find a need to use a calculator, but you are allowed to use a simple four-function or scientific calculator if you wish. A calculator that has keys for every letter of the alphabet is too sophisticated and is not allowed.

As discussed in class, Exam 1 will cover sets and logic. This corresponds to Chapters 1 and 3 in our book. You are only responsible for material covered in lecture — any material mentioned in the book that was not mentioned in class will not be on the exam.

Regarding logic laws, you will not need to prove any logical equivalences by applying logic laws (you will use truth tables for proofs). But you will be asked to provide a small number of "equivalent expressions." For example, you may be asked: "Provide an equivalent expression for: (p')' " The answer would be p. This type of question will count for at most 6% of the exam. There are more sample questions of this type in the exam sample questions online. The laws that could be tested are: