Lab 2
Due December 4, 2014, 11:59pm

For your second lab assignment, you are to work with Alice. You can work on Alice in the lab or download it for use at home. Use Alice 3, NOT Alice 2.

For the Alice assignment, place four (or more) characters in your scene. For example, they can be a rabbit, a ballerina, a bird, and a businesswoman.

You should have your characters act out one of two stories, selected by the user, each running at least 90 seconds. At the start of the program, the user should be asked whether they would like to see Story 1 --- if they press true they will see your first story, if they press false they will see your second story. You should spend at least two hours putting this together.
Your animation will require (and be graded on) several elements:

To hand in this assignment, e-mail me the Alice animation file. The animation file will have a name ???.a3p (you pick the name instead of ???). You save your work into a file by using "Save" in the file menu. My e-mail is: