#include using namespace std; /* Each cow has a location in the field (which is just a single number), and a weight. */ class Cow { public: float location, weight; // Functions to directly access and set // variables void set(float inLocation, float inWeight); float getWeight(); float getLocation(); // Cow actions that will change its member // variables void walk(float distance); // Move from current location // as in Dog::Walk function, // distance specified as float void graze(int hours); // Increase weight by 1 for each // hour grazing (hours entered) // as integer }; // ---------HERE IS THE MAIN FUNCTION---------- int main() { // You may delete this cout statement: cout << "Add cows to this progam!\n"; return 0; } // --HERE ARE THE ADDITIONAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS-- // Set values of a cow object void Cow::set(float inLocation, float inWeight) { location=inLocation; weight=inWeight; } // Get weight of a cow object float Cow::getWeight() { return weight; } // Get location of a cow object float Cow::getLocation() { return location; } // Move cow void Cow::walk(float distance) { location+=distance; } // Increase cow's weight based on grazing time void Cow::graze(int hours) { weight+=1*hours; // increase 1lb per hour }