using namespace std;

// This program will first input 5 positive integers from
// the user
// Then it will compute the "greatest common denominator"
// by first finding the largest number in the array
// and then trying integers (starting from the largest
// number in the array and counting down) and seeing if
// any of the numbers in the array have a remainder when
// dividing by each number. The first number which gives
// no remainder will be the "greatest common denominator".
// The smallest possible greatest common denominator is
// the number 1.

// Precondition: input array of positive integers and size
//               of that array (which will always be 5 for
//               this program)
// Postcondition: returns largest number in the array
int max(int array[], int array_size);

int main()
 int inputNums[5], maxNum, gcd;
    //gcd stands for greatest common denominator -- not the best variable name

 // Get 5 positive integers from the user
 cout << "Insert 5 positive integers: ";
 for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
   cin >> inputNums[i];

 // Get max number in inputNums

 // Try integers to see what evenly divides all
 // integers in the array
 int tryNum=maxNum;
 bool keepLooping=true;
 { // if we haven't found a divisor yet
   keepLooping=false; // start by assuming the current number
                      // tryNum will evenly divide all array
                      // numbers; if we discover this assumption
                      // is not true, we will set keepLooping=true
   for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
     if(inputNums[i]%tryNum!=0) // if tryNum does not evenly divide ith array value

   if(keepLooping) // before we do our next loop, decrease tryNum


 // Report greatest common denominator
 cout << "The greatest common denominator is " << gcd << endl;

 return 0;

// Find max number in the array
int max(int array[], int array_size)
 int max_num=0;

 for(int i=0; i<5; i++)