using namespace std;

void printList(int list[], int size);
// Preconditions: inputs are array of integers and size
//                of array
// Postconditions: Each element of array is printed to
//                 screen

int min(int list[], int size);
// Preconditions: inputs are array of integers and size
//                of array
// Postconditions: Each element of array is printed to
//                 screen

int main()
 // Initialize list of numbers
 int numList[8]={5,1,10,12,4,-5,0,8};

 // Print out elements of list
 cout << "Elements of list are ";
 cout << endl;

 // Compute and report minimum element of list
 int minNumber = min(numList, 8);

 cout << "Minimum number of list is "
      << minNumber << endl;

// Print out elements of list
void printList(int list[], int size)
 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
   cout << list[i] << " ";

// Find minimum value in list
int min(int list[], int size)
 // Initialize min value with a number
 // that is very big
 int minValue=10000;

 // Loop through array
 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
   // If element i is smaller than current
   // guess of "minValue", place element i
   // as minValue

 return minValue;