using namespace std;

// Declare fahrToCelsius function
float fahrToCelsius(float fahrTemp);

int main()
 // Declare input temperature
 float fahrTemp, celsiusTemp;

 // Get input temperature
 cout << "Give me a temperature in Fahrenheit: ";
 cin >> fahrTemp;

 // Perform temperature conversion

 // Print new temperature to screen
 cout << "Celsius temperature is "
      << celsiusTemp << endl;

 return 0;

// Define fahrToCelsius function
// Converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius
float fahrToCelsius(float fahrTemp)
 float celsiusTemp;

 // Perform computation to convert from
 // Fahrenheit to Celsius
 celsiusTemp = (5.0/9.0) * (fahrTemp-32);

 return celsiusTemp;