using namespace std;

class Account
  void open(string inName);
  void deposit(float money);
  float getBalance();
  void withdraw(float money);
  // New history function
  void printHistory();

  string name;
  float balance;
  // New history variables
  float history[100];
  int num_transactions;

int main()
 Account acc1;

 // Open account

 // Print initial balance
 cout << acc1.getBalance() << endl;

 // Make new deposits and print new balance
 cout << acc1.getBalance() << endl;

 // Make withdrawals and deposits and print new balance
 cout << acc1.getBalance() << endl;


 return 0;

// Open account with (string) specified name, 0 balance,
// opening balance recorded in history
void Account::open(string inName)

 // New history statement

// Take (float) money from user and (if valid amount) deposit it
// into account
void Account::deposit(float money)
 if(money>=0) {
   balance = balance+money;

   // New history statements:
 else {
   cout << "Error! Negative deposit!\n";

// Report current balance in account
float Account::getBalance()
 return balance;

// Take (float) money from user and (if valid amount) withdraw
// it from account
void Account::withdraw(float money)
 if(money>=0 && money <=balance)
   balance -= money;

   // New history statements:
   cout << "Invalid withdrawal amount!\n";

// Report recent history
void Account::printHistory()
 for(int i=num_transactions-1; i>(num_transactions-6)||i>0; i--)
   cout << "Balance " << i << ": " << history[i] << endl;