using namespace std;

// Compute Nth number in Fibonacci sequence
int fib(int N);

int main()
 int sequenceNumber;

 // Ask user which number N in the Fibonacci
 // sequence s/he wants to see
 cout << "What number in the Fibonacci sequence do you want to see? ";
 cin >> sequenceNumber;

 // Report the Nth number in the sequence
 cout << "The " << sequenceNumber << "th number"
      << " in the Fibonacci sequence is: " << fib(sequenceNumber) << endl;

 return 0;


// Return Nth number in Fibonacci sequence,
// assuming N is a positive integer
int fib(int N)
 if(N==1 || N==2) // base cases: first two terms are 1
   return 1;
 else  // recursive case: fN=fN-1+fN-2
   return fib(N-1)+fib(N-2);