using namespace std;

/* Pre-conditions: takes in two variables containing ints
  Post-conditions: each input variable holds the value
                   initially held by the other variable
  If a==5 and b==10, after flip(a,b), a==10 and b==5 */
void flip(int& input1, int& input2);

int main()
 int num1,num2;

 // Get inputs from user
 cout << "Give me two numbers: ";
 cin >> num1 >> num2;

 // Flip the numbers

 // Report flipped numbers
 cout << "The numbers flipped are: "
      << num1 << num2;

 return 0;

// Define function to flip value in two inputs
void flip(int& input1, int& input2)
  // Hold variable holds copy of value in input1
 int hold=input1;

 // Transfer value of input2 to input1
 // Now transfer old value of input1 to input2
