using namespace std;

int main()
 // Initialize variables
 // Variables for loop to print multiple lines
 char makeNewLine;  // value will be either 'Y' or 'N'
 int numLines=0;
 // Variables to describe a single line
 int lineSize;
 char lineSymbol, lineDirection;
       // lineDirection value either 'D', 'H', or 'V'

 // Print welcome message
 cout << "Welcome to line-builder\n";

 // Get symbol to draw line
 cout << "Please specify the type of character "
      << "to use in your lines: ";
 cin >> lineSymbol;

 // Loop for printing multiple lines
 do {

   // Increase counter for number of lines printed

   // Get size of current line
   cout << "Specify the size of your line: ";
   cin >> lineSize;

   // Get direction of line
   cout << "Now specify the direction of your "
        << "line (h for horizontal, v for vertical, "
        << "d for diagonal): ";
   cin >> lineDirection;

   // Print line to screen
   switch(lineDirection) {

     // Horizontal case
     case 'h' :
       for (int i=1; i<=lineSize; i++)
         cout << lineSymbol;
       cout << endl;

     // Vertical case
     case 'v' :
       for (int i=1; i<=lineSize; i++)
         cout << lineSymbol << endl;

     // Diagonal case
     case 'd' :
       for (int i=1; i<=lineSize; i++) {
         // print the proper number of blank
         // spaces for the given line
         for (int numSpace=1; numSpace<i; numSpace++)
           cout << " ";
         // after enough spaces are printed for
         // the given line, print out symbol
         cout << lineSymbol << endl;

     // Not required part!
     default :
       cout << "Invalid direction option!\n";
   } // end of switch(lineDirection)

   // Ask if user wants to print another line
   cout << "Would you like to print another line (Y/N)? ";
   cin >> makeNewLine;

 } while(makeNewLine=='Y');

 // Say goodbye
 cout << "Okay, thanks for printing " << numLines
      << " lines.\n";

 return 0;