vi commands

There are two modes of vi:

From edit mode:
Command Command description
Esc enter command mode

From command mode:
i enter edit mode
:w save file ("write" command)
:w fileName saves to the file called "fileName"
:q closes vi ("quit" command)
:q! closes vi without saving changes to file
:r fileName opens file fileName ("read" command)
u undo last edit
dl delete one letter
dw delete one word
dd delete one line
8dd delete 8 lines
yy copy one line
p paste
/text searches for first example of "text" in file
n searches for next example of "text" in file
^ place cursor at front of line
$ place cursor at end of line
G place cursor at end of document
1G place cursor at beginning of document
:s/text1/text2/ replace first example of "text1" in current line with "text2"
:bn Switch between files — if you have opened multiple files in vi, you view one at a time and switch between them using :bn