Fall 2024 CISC-1600-E01 and CISC-1610-E01 Students

With a link to each student’s public_html directory on the Fedora Linux server storm.cis.fordham.edu.

  1. kheslin2  Kyle C. Heslin
  2. dbadimah  Damien Mohammad Badimah
  3. lam2      Luke Mobley
  4. jcrews1   Janae Crews
  5. ab257     Adelaido Barrera
  6. jsr1      John S. Rodriguez
  7. jrn4      Jeriel R. Nunez
  8. ddesai10  Durga Desai
  9. sm56      Abdul Samed Mohammed
  10. dg51      Dinghao Gao
  11. cu00      Chioma Ukaegbu Ondo
  12. jkd4      Jay K. Dureng
  13. did4      Derek I. Domenech
  14. crd       Cameron R. Day
  15. ac239     Ashley Cabrera
  16. lchimanga Lewis Chimanga