CISC1400, Discrete Structure,
Fall 2016



  & Notes



Course Description: This is an introductory course to the discrete structures used in computer and information technology. There is no prerequisite. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to solve problems and develop logical thinking. Topics including sequences, logic, set, functions and relations, elementary combinatorics, probability, matrices and graphs will be covered through the use of algorithmic and concrete construction. There is not prerequisite.

Textbook: Fundamentals of Discrete Structures, Lyons et al. Here is an errata.

Lectures: Tues/Fri, 11:30am-12:45am, JMH342

Instructor: Dr. Xiaolan Zhang

  • Email: xzhang at
  • Phone: 718-817-4484
  • Office hours: Tuesday 3:45-4:30pm, Wednesday 10-11:30am, Friday 9-10am, or by appointment
  • Office: JMH338
Attendance: Attendance of lecture is mandatory. Please refer to Fordham's policy on class attendance. The total number of absence (excused or unexcused absences) cannot exceed four.

Expectation: Students are expected to spend three to five hours (not including the lecture and lab section) each week in the assigned reading, homework and lab projects. Students are expected to read the assigned chapter of the textbook before the class.

Late Assignment: Submissions turned in late will be penalized, and no submission is accepted one week after its due date. You can write to the instructor to ask for an extension of up to one week for reasons such as illness, heavy workload or other reasons. The maximum number of extensions per person is three.

Grading Criteria: Final grade is based on the weighted sum of the following course works:
Componentnum. of assignmentweight
Lab Projects2 to 3 total20%
Written Assignments 6-7 30%
Quizzes 4-5 10%
Class Participationall 5%
Midterm1 15%
Final Exam1 20%
The mapping from number grade to letter grade is as follows:

A:100-90, B:90-80, C:80-70, D:70-60, F:60-0