Professional & Academic Service

  • Journal Associate Editor
    • Knowledge and Information Sytems (KAIS): An International Journal
        2017 - 2022

  • Journal Editorial Board
    • Neural Computing and Applications
        2013 - present
    • International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMMM)
        2008 - present

  • Journal Guest Editor
    • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 17(2). Special Issue on Utility-Based Data Mining.

  • Conference or Workshop Organizer
    • International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA)
           Tutorial, Special Session, and Invited Talk Chair: 2018-2023
    • International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN)
           Program Chair: 2012-2015; Special Session Chair: 2008-2011
    • 2023 Fordham Data Science Symposium: Doing Good with Data (Symposium Co-Chair)
    • Google 2021 Tri-State ExploreCSR Workshop (Faculty Mentor) (link)
    • DCOSS-2018 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (General Co-Chair, Local Co-Chair)
    • SDM-2018 International Workshop on Cost-Sensitive Learning (Workshop Co-Chair)
    • ACM KDD-2006 Second International Workshop on Utility-Based Data Mining (Workshop Co-Chair)
    • ACM KDD-2005 First International Workshop on Utility-Based Data Mining (Workshop Co-Chair)

  • External Grant Reviewer
    • US National Science Foundation (NSF): 2010, 2014
    • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): 2021
  • Program Committee
    • KDD 2024 Applied Data Science Track, Senior Program Committee, 2024
    • 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), 2024
    • 5th International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (LIDTA), 2023
    • KDD 2022 Applied Data Science Track, Senior Program Committee, 2022
    • 4th International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (LIDTA), 2022
    • KDD 2021 Applied Data Science Track, Senior Program Committee, 2021
    • 3rd International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (LIDTA), 2021
    • International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 2020
    • 10th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Systems, Theory, and Applications (BTAS), 2019
    • 12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 2019
    • International Joint Conference on Biometrics, 2017
    • 8th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Systems, Theory, and Applications (BTAS), 2016
    • 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2016
    • The 9th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 2016
    • 7th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Systems, Theory, and Applications (BTAS), 2015
    • IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2015
    • 4th PAKDD Workshop on Quality Issues, Measures of Interestingness and Evaluation of Data Mining Models, 2015
    • IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2014
    • 3rd PAKDD Workshop on Quality Issues, Measures of Interestingness and Evaluation of Data Mining Models, 2013
    • 15th International Conference on Discovery Science, 2012
    • ICMLA Workshop on Class Imbalances: Past, Present, and Future, 2012
    • 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2011
    • 2nd PAKDD Workshop on Quality Issues, Measures of Interestingness and Evaluation of Data Mining Models, 2011
    • 7th DMIN International Conference on Data Mining, 2011
    • 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2010
    • 6th DMIN International Conference on Data Mining, 2010
    • 4th ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data, 2010
    • NASA 2010 Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding (CIDU), 2010
    • 26th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2009
    • 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2009
    • 5th DMIN International Conference on Data Mining, 2009
    • PAKDD Workshop on Data Mining When Classes are Imbalanced and Errors Have Costs, 2009
    • PAKDD Workshop on Quality Issues, Measures of Interestingness and Evaluation of Data Mining Models, 2009
    • 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008
    • 25th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2008
    • AAAI 22nd National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2007
    • 18th European Conference on Machine Learning, 2007
    • 2nd ICDM Data Stream Mining and Management Workshop, 2007
    • ACM KDD Workshop on Mining Multiple Information Sources, 2007
    • ACM KDD Workshop on Data Mining for Business Applications, 2006
    • AAAI 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2006
    • 16th European Conference on Machine Learning, 2005
    • ICML Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets II, 2003

  • Conference Session Chair
    • International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS 2012)
    • International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS 2010)
    • 15th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2009), "Active Learning"
    • International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS 2009)
    • 2007 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN '07), "Data Mining Tasks and Applications"
  • Journal Reviewer
    • ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
    • Algorithms for Molecular Biology
    • Annals of Operations Research
    • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal
    • Decision Support Systems
    • Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal
    • IBM Systems Journal
    • IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science
    • IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
    • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
    • IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
    • Information Systems Research
    • Journal of Machine Learning Research
    • Journal of AI Research
    • Machine Learning Journal
    • Pervasive and Mobile Computing
    • Sensors
    • SIGKDD Explorations

  • Moderator
    • Fordham College of Rose Hill "Business of Science: Data Analytics Panel", March 4, 2014.

  • Keynotes, Invited Talks, Presentations, and Tutorials
    • "What Can we Learn from Student Course-Grade Data?," 2023 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'23), Las Vegas, NV, July 26. 2023. (Keynote Address)
    • "Data Science in Education: Extracting Knowledge from Course Enrollment Data," 18th International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, NV, July 25, 2022. (Invited Talk)
    • "Terrorists, Hackers, and Criminals: Understanding the Darknet", 13th International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, NV, July 18, 2017. (Tutorial given with Andrew Johnston)
    • "Mining Smartphone and Smartwatch Sensor Data: Activity Recognition, Biometrics, and Beyond", 12th DMIN International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, NV, July 25, 2016.
    • "Smartphone Sensor Mining Applications: Ubiquitous Possibilities (3 Hour Tutorial)", Tenth International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, NV, July 2014.
    • "The Role of Computer & Information Science in Technology Start Ups", Fordham University Schools of Business and The Center for Digital Transformation Summit on Technology Start Ups in the Bronx: Opportunities and Challenges, Fordham University, Bronx, NY, October 17, 2012.
    • "Smart Phone Sensors", New York City Metro InfraGard Members Alliance, New York, NY, January 26, 2012.
    • "Mining Smart Phone Sensor Data", International Conference on Cyber Security, New York, NY, January 11, 2012.
    • "Smart Phone-Based Sensor Data Mining (3 Hour Tutorial)", Seventh International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, NV, July 2011.
    • "Data Mining: How Retailers, Government & Others Know About Us", Fordham College of Liberal Studies College at 60 Spring Lecture Series, New York, NY, March 24, 2010.
    • "Data Mining and How the Government and Businesses Know so much About Us", Interview on Fordham Conversations radio show, WFUV, August 22, 2009.
      stream the interview
    • "Active Sampling Using Class Label Information", IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, May 2006
    • "Utility-Based Data Mining", Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, April 2006.
    • "Are Dishwashwers Intelligent? Reflections on where Information and Intelligence Collide", Fordham University, New York, NY, April 2005.
    • "The Effect of Class Distribution on Classifier Learning", Farleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, March 2004.
    • "Mining Telecommunication Data", Teoma Corporation, Piscataway, NJ, August 2003
    • "An Overview of Expert Systems", College of Staten Island, CUNY, April 2003

  • Thesis Adviser/Reader
    • Master's thesis advisor
      • James Ho, MSDS (2020): Synthetic Recessions: An Exploration of Model Selection Techniques for Recession Nowcasting
      • Tianyi Zhang, MSDS (2020): Mining Course Groupings from Student Performance
      • Andrew Johnston, MSCY (2019): Identifying Extremism Using Deep Learning
      • Kenichi Yoneda, MSCS (2017): Mobile Sensor-Based Biometrics from Common Daily Activities
      • Jeffrey Lockhart, MSCS (2014): The Benefits of Personalized Data Mining Approaches to Human Activity Recognition with Smartphone Sensor Data
      • Shaun Gallagher, MSCS (2014): Smartphone Sensor Data Mining for Gait Abnormality Detection
      • Andrew Grosner, MSCS (2013): Smartphone-Based GPS Analytics
      • Qiang Ma, MSCS (2008)
      • Ye Tian, MSCS (2007)
    • Undergraduate Honor's thesis advisor
      • James Stahl, An Analysis of Image Hashing in the Domain of Dark Web Markets (2018)
      • Jennifer Kwapisz (2009)
    • Thesis Reader
      • 2024: Haoran Xue (MSDS)
      • 2023: Zihao Jiang (MSDS), Kyle Ryan (MSCS), Xirong Cao (MSCS)
      • 2022: Eric Roginek (MSCS)
      • 2021: Man Qin, William Cheung (MSDS)
      • 2020: Tong Wang, Sam Stein, Michael Tynes, William Charles (MSDS)
      • 2019: Matthew McNeill, Qian Zhao, Stephen Lebak, Matias Magarinos (MSCS)
      • 2016: Feng Tang (MSCS)
      • 2013: Paramesh Nirmal (MSCS)
      • 2009: Hung-Da Shih (MSCS)
      • 2008: John Milner, Paul Ryan (Undergraduate Honor's Thesis)
      • 2006: Jizhou Ai (MSCS)

  • University and Departmental Service (Fordham)
    • Computer and Info Science Department Administrative Service
      • Program Director, MS in Computer Science (2021 - present; 2014-2016)
      • Interim Department Chair (2016-2017; 2011-2012)
      • Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies (2009-2011; 2007-2008)
    • Computer and Info Science Department Non-Administrative Service
      • Chair, CIS Doctoral Program Curriculum Subcommittee (2021-present)
      • Member, MS in Data Science Admissions Committee (2018-2021)
      • Member, Computer Science Doctoral Program Proposal Committee (2018-2020)
      • Advisor, Computing Sciences Society (2011-2017)
      • Member, Graduate Marketing Committee (2013-2017)
      • Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee (2013-2017)
      • Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (2007-2017)
      • Member, CS1100 Course Committee (2006-2013)
      • Chair, Computer Science Department Website Committee (2004-2011)
    • College/University
      • Member, Undergraduate STEM Committee (2019-2022)
      • Member, Technology Committee (2015-2017)
      • Member, GSAS Strategic Planning Committee (2016-2017)
      • Member, Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum Subcommittee on Math/Computational Reasoning (2009-2017)
      • Member, GSAS Academic Affairs Committee (2007-2015)
      • Member, Undergraduate Science Education Committee (2011-2014)
      • Member, Associate Dean for Science Education Search Committee (2014)
      • Member, Elections Committee (2006-2012)
      • Member, Committee on Bioinformatics, Member (2006-2012)
      • Freshman Advisor (2006-08, 2009-10)
      • Member, Assessment Roundtable (Fall 2008)
      • Chair, GSAS Strategic Planning Committee on Marketing Promotion (2004)