



My ongoing research projects:

  • Privacy in Big Data
  • Mobile ad hoc network, Disruption Tolerant Network, Sensor Network
  • Security and Privacy issues on Smartphones
  • Performance evaluation via modeling, simulation and experiments


Sample Codes

  • C++ DTN Simulator with the following features (with contributions from Haixiang Wang):
    • Trace-driven simulation and synthetic mobility driven simulation
    • A wide range of DTN routing protocols: epidemic, spray and wait, probability forwarding, K-hop, etc.
    • Network coding based schemes
    • Unicast and multicast support
    • Mobility trace analysis
  • FordhamMap, a smartphone application (collaboration with Daniel Hatcher supported by Undergradaute Research Grants from Fordham College at Rose Hill Dean's Office)
  • Sun SPOTS based mobile sensor network with (collaboration with Hung-Da Shih and Prof. David Wei, supported in part by equipment grant from Oracle Research Lab, previously Sun Research Lab)
    • Sensor application
    • Basestation application
  • AMPS: Multimedia Streaming Proxy Project (Collaboration with fellow graduate students while at UMass)


    Book Chapter

  • Network Coding in Disruption Tolerant Networks.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Jim Kurose
    Book chapter from Network Coding: Fundamentals and Applications, edited by Muriel Medard & Alex Sprintson, Academic Press Title, ISBN: 978-0-12-380918-b, Oct 2011,


  • Learning an adaptive forwarding strategy for mobile wireless networks: resource usage vs. latency
    Victoria Manfredi, Alicia Wolfe, Xiaolan Zhang, Bing Wang
    Machine Learning , 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-024-06601-3

  • Detecting Node Failures in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: A Probabilistic Approach
    R. Jin, B. Wang, W. Wei, X. Zhang, X. Chen, Y. Bar-Shalom and P. Willett.
    IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, No. 7, July 2016.

  • Benefits of Network Coding for Unicast Application in Disruption Tolerant Networks
    Xiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley, and Haixiang Wang,
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2012. [pdf]

  • Impact of Source Counter on Routing Performance in Resource Constrained DTNs.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Honggang Zhang, Yu Gu
    Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2010,[pdf]

  • Performance Modeling of Epidemic Routing.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley.
    Elsevier Computer Networks journal, 2007, Volume 51/10, pages 2859-2891.[pdf]

    Conferences and Workshops

  • Learning an Adaptive Forwarding Strategy for Mobile Wireless Networks: Resource Usage vs. Latency
    Victoria Manfredi, Alicia Wolfe, Xiaolan Zhang, Bing Wang
    Reinforcement Learning for Real Life (RL4RealLife) Workshop in the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022

  • Relational Deep Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Wireless Networks
    Victoria Mandredi, Alicia Wolfe, Bing Wang, Xiaolan Zhang
    Proceedings of IEEE Internatioanl Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June, 2021.

  • Network Coding based Transmission Schemes in DTNs with Group Meetings
    Abdurrahman Arikan, Yuexin Mao, Xiaolan Zhangy, Bing Wang, Shengli Zhou and Song Han.
    Proceedings of IEEE Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), December 2015.

  • Delay-Sensitive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
    Ohad Kravchick, David Wei, and Xiaolan Zhang
    in IEEE PIMRC (Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications) 2013

  • On Optimal Packet Routing in Deterministric DTNs
    Giovanni Neglia, Xiaolan Zhang, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley, and Haixiang Wang,
    appeared in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2013 , best track paper reward

  • Design and Implementation of a Mobile Sensor Network Testbed using Sun SPOTS
    Hung-Da Shih, Xiaolan Zhang, David S.L. Wei, Kshirasagar Naik, Rung Ching Chen,
    International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, 2012

  • Impact of Source Counter on DTN Routing Control under Resource Constraints.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Honggang Zhang, Yu Gu
    ACM MobiOpp 2010 [pdf]

  • Study of a Bus-Based Disruption Tolerant Network: Mobility Modeling and Impact on Routing.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Jim Kurose, Brian Levine, Don Towsley, and Honggang Zhang
    appeared in ACM MobiCom 2007 [ps.gz] [pdf]
    UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 07-12. [ps.gz] [pdf]

  • Optimal Delay-Power Tradeoff in Sparse Delay Tolerant Networks: a preliminary study.
    Giovanni Neglia, Xiaolan Zhang , appeared in SIGCOMM 2006 CHANT workshop [ps.gz] [pdf]

  • On the Benefits of Random Linear Coding for Unicast Applications in Disruption Tolerant Networks. Xiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley.
    Appeared in IEEE netcod, 2006 [ps.gz] [pdf]. A longer version available as UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 06-15. [ps.gz] [pdf]

  • Performance Modeling of Epidemic Routing. Xiaolan Zhang, Giovanni Neglia, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley.Appeared in IFIP Networking 2006 [ps.gz] [pdf]
    A version of the paper is currently available as UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 05-44. [ps.gz] [pdf]

  • AMPS: A Flexible, Scalable Proxy Testbed for Implementing Streaming Services.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Michael K. Bradshaw, Yang Guo, Bing Wang, James Kurose, Prashant Shenoy, Don Towsley. Proceedings of NOSSDAV 2004 [ps.gz] [pdf]
    A longer version available as UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 04-08. [ps.gz] [pdf]

  • Towards Interoperable Multimedia Streaming Systems.
    Xiaolan Zhang, Don Towsley, Jack Wileden. Proceedings of Packet Video Workshop 2002 [ps.gz] [pdf]

    Technical Report

  • Empirical Study of Proxy-assisted Video Streaming Over the Best-effort Internet .
    Bing Wang, Michael K. Bradshaw, Yang Guo, Jim Kurose, Subhabrata Sen, Prashant Shenoy, Don Towsley, Wei Wei, Xiaolan Zhang.
    UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 03-33.